Lisa K English Bio

Moderator Biography:

Lisa K

Lisa has over thirty years of market research moderating and consulting experience. Ms. Koslow is a seasoned professional, recognized for her ability to synthesize complex issues and deliver actionable solutions. She has served on numerous client strategic planning and leadership teams and always puts the client first and believes in working in a collaborative manner with her internal team, as well as the client teams she partners with. Lisa is an excellent focus group moderator who has conducted 100’s of qualitative interviews and focus groups, covering a variety of industries from pharmaceutical, health care, dental, consumer goods and cosmetics.

Request Lisa K

    Dr. Owen FaceyKarlene FaceyDelores Facey-JohnsonGerardo HGwyn BDouglas GRenee AMariana RErica FClaudia IFabricio CVanessa KMariana CBarbara KJaime CGratia WDr. Guy JRenee GPapsy MLisa KKelly AOther (Please Indicate in Description)

    Research Design / ConsultingFocus GroupCase StudyParticipation observation / Direct ObservationInnovation gameIn-Depth Interview (IDI)Unstructured InterviewContent AnalysisProtocol AnalysisOther (Please explain in Description)