Douglas G English Bio

Moderator Biography:

Douglas G.

Douglas’ international experience includes coordination of Market Research projects in Central America, Dominican Republic and some specific markets in the United States. He is fluent in Spanish and English and has experience in moderating focus groups and in-depth interviews.

Request Douglas G.

    Dr. Owen FaceyKarlene FaceyDelores Facey-JohnsonGerardo HGwyn BDouglas GRenee AMariana RErica FClaudia IFabricio CVanessa KMariana CBarbara KJaime CGratia WDr. Guy JRenee GPapsy MLisa KKelly AOther (Please Indicate in Description)

    Research Design / ConsultingFocus GroupCase StudyParticipation observation / Direct ObservationInnovation gameIn-Depth Interview (IDI)Unstructured InterviewContent AnalysisProtocol AnalysisOther (Please explain in Description)