Barbara K English Bio

Moderator Biography:

Barbara K

Barbara has over fifteen years experience in market research. The types of research conducted include In-Depth Interviews on Needs, Usage studies, Concept Testing for new drugs and medical devices, Advertising Concept Testing, Naming studies, and Pharmacy Mystery Shoppers.

Request Barbara K

    Dr. Owen FaceyKarlene FaceyDelores Facey-JohnsonGerardo HGwyn BDouglas GRenee AMariana RErica FClaudia IFabricio CVanessa KMariana CBarbara KJaime CGratia WDr. Guy JRenee GPapsy MLisa KKelly AOther (Please Indicate in Description)

    Research Design / ConsultingFocus GroupCase StudyParticipation observation / Direct ObservationInnovation gameIn-Depth Interview (IDI)Unstructured InterviewContent AnalysisProtocol AnalysisOther (Please explain in Description)